Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hut Burnt

I thought I would share this gem I found in Rwanda’s national newspaper, The New Times. The paper’s printed in English because the government is led by Paul Kagame, an Anglophone from his refugee days in Uganda.

Hut Burnt
By Nelson Gatsimbazi

Umutara- An old man set his grass thatched hut ablaze as he tried to smoke out wasps that had been in the hut for quite a long time.

John Nduwayo, 74, a resident of Nyarupfubire region, stood in disbelief as his hut went ablaze, destroying some of his property.

“I tried to fight the wasps to get out of my house with fire, unfortunately, I lost my house,” the old man told residents.

However, good Samaritans intervened in time after being alerted by his young son and saved the old man’s property. Part of the hut was completely destroyed, but neighbours and local officials have pledged to build a new hut for the old man.


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